Amp suggestions for Zu Omen Def mk2.

I would like to know what pwr amps are a good match for zu,could be SS or tube,I'm gonna be using my wyred 4 sound level 2 upgraded pre.Since our move into new house I'm ready to spend the time to find the right synergy.I listen to equal amounts of classic rock and most types of jazz and equal amounts either digital or analog.

I would like to thank the Audiogon community for these suggestions so far.Who sales the quad classics in the USA?

I kinda wonder about the quad's myself,I have never been a big fan of the kt66 or 6l6 tube.Just my experience.
Decware Zen Torii Mk 1V on Ebay right now. I have two pair of Zu speakers and have tried various amps. The Omen Defs still need a bit of power to perform well and the tone of the Decware amps fits right in with the Zu sound.
Most of the amps noted above will sound good with your speakers but I believe these will sound just right.