Clean away old CD treatments


Recently I've been trying various CD treatments. I began with Optrix, switched to Shine-ola, and even tried Ultrabit. A few of my CDs have received all three treatments without any cleansing in between.

I would like to start over. I want to clean all the old treatments off my CDs. Is it enough to use mild dish soap and distilled water? Or should I use something like Novus? I am hesitant to use lens cleaners with isopropyl alcohol or ethanol because I've heard alcohol is bad for polycarbonate.

Would appreciate any advice.
After I began using Optrix, I couldn't listen without it. Even my grunge sounded grungy. When Optrix was discontinued, I switched to Shine-ola, which I found to be much better. More analog, more vibrant. So I decided to try the Ultrabit, which is supposedly the best. I am undecided about the Ultrabit. The clarity is stunning. But I think it made the discs sound bright, almost glaring. Initially I found the discs difficult to listen to, but now I might be getting used to it.

I've treated about 50-60 of my discs total. This weekend I am washing them all, going back to the beginning. Then I'm going to do a small test with just a few CDs between the Shin-ola and Ultrabit. Anyway, Ultrabit is discontinued now, so this is the end of it. I might try L Art du Son also, but enough is enough.
Geoffkait, the OP wanted to remove old cleaners, for which I suggested Dawn. Introducing magnetism and static charge to the conversation seems a bit off field. In any case, the OP can get a demagnitizer, which I would endorse, as I have noticed a marked sound quality difference after using it.-And, I really was expecting it to make no difference!
Some of these tweaks aren't snake oil sometimes.


Geoffkait, the OP wanted to remove old cleaners, for which I suggested Dawn. Introducing magnetism and static charge to the conversation seems a bit off field.

Not really off field since many CD "cleaners" do more than just clean. As i already pointed out, since some cleaners remove MRC you cannot really "start over from scratch" since once treated with many cleaners the CD will always be better than its original state. besides many CD cleaners such as Optrix employ an anti static agent. Dawn may or may not remove MRC, I don’t know. And most likely it doesn’t contain anti static agents, but anything is possible.


In fact, I've been thinking about getting a demagnetizer, such as the HiFi Tuning or Furutech. I've experimented enough with various tweaks to know that they do provide a benefit. But I wish I could hear the demagnetizer, considering the cost. And I presume it's true that there will always be some residual effect from the previous treatments. But now that I've seen that there really is a benefit to these spray treatments, I want to think more carefully about what I'm doing before I go any further. I think I might just stick with Shine-ola. Or I might take one last stab with the L Art du Son.

Finally finished cleaning the CDs. I put them through three rinses in distilled water after washing with Dawn. What a chore.
Actually there were not 50 discs, but 150. Long day.

I left four discs that had received only the Ultrabit and four discs that had received only the Shine-ola. Listening last night, I think the Ultrabit treatment might be mellowing over time. It doesn't seem so aggressive now. The clarity and detail are very compelling.