Rogue Cronus Magnum 2 tube rolling

Hey guys, I switched out the pre-amp tube with a Telefunken smooth plate and I recently replaced the 12ax7 with another set of German Lorenz tubes.  All great changes. Is there any value in rolling out the last two 12au7 driver tubes? Thx Jay 
It is always nice to have a spare set of tubes available to diagnose possible issues with any piece of tube gear, with that said go ahead and get a set for the 12au7 spots in your preamp and I would recommend the Psvane T Series Mark III Premium tubes at about $75.00 a pair, I run a pair in my Lamm LL2.1 preamp and my Jadis tube dac also run the 12 at7s in my VTL amps and the 12ax7 in a ASL headphone amp. I have had nothing but good things to say about the Psvane premium tubes and have settled on them over all the NOS tubes I have tried and have become my go to tubes. Good luck.
We a friend did a test of 12au7's, about 8 different ones.  Psvane were not near the top.
Mullard won, GE second.  Both NOS.
Personally I'm using Philips JAN and RCA in my amp.