Cartridge recommendations for second system turntable please

So I have been thinking of assembling my old gear, which I have never sold, into a second system. The turntable would be a Music Hall MMF-7. I need a new cartridge for it, as the original Goldring Eroica that came with it is very old and has a bent cantilever. The rest of the system would be: Project Speedbox, MF KW500 integrated amp, MF Tri-vista DAC, MF A3.2 CDP, Transparent Powerbank 8, all Transparent cabling, Carver Amazing Loudspeakers. I listen to a lot of jazz, as well as rock, vocals, "world music," classical, pop. Thanks in advance for the cartridge recommendations. Would especially love to hear actual user experiences.

The mmf-7 came with the Pro-Ject 9 aluminum tonearm while the mmf-7.1 came with the first generation of the Pro-Ject 9 carbon ’arm.

I haven’t tried the ART9 on the mmf-7 but given that it plays fine on the SME 309, which has a lower effective mass than the Pro-Ject 9, I’m assuming it would also work well. Using a resonance calculator the resonance frequency is somewhere between 7Hz and 8Hz. Not ideal but not in the red zone.


PS: You may want to read this thread:

Is there a price range for the cartridge? As stated, you'd need a high output cartridge, which could be anything (MM, moving iron, high output moving coil) with an output from 2.5 on up.

For an overall great combination of inner detail and ambience, dynamics, linear response, and transparency, the Audio Technica AT150Sa (Shibata stylus) is really nice. I have one. It started 8 years ago as an AT150MLX, but AT has discontinued the microline stylus on a boron cantilever and now offers a replacement Shibata stylus on tapered aluminum pipe. I like it *at least* as much as the MLX, probably a little more as it has (I think) a little more delicate and smoother treble. Best price I know of offhand is $323.69 at LpGear.

The Shelter 201 is also a great match for your musical tastes. It really excels at rock, pop, big band and small group acoustic jazz, and also classical. At $310 for the authorized US import, I think the AT150Sa is the better value. However, the same Shelter 201 from a reliable Far East vendor for $167-ish (I got mine from this very vendor) is an absolute no-brainer. There's something about it that puts a smile on my face every time. At half the price of the AT150Sa and $50-ish more than an M97xE, it's just crazy good, especially doing all the kinds of music you mentioned. 

Thanks guys! Great info.  I can use MC or MM (my KW500 can do either). Especially if I get an outboard phono stage.

Also, what maintenance or "tuning up" of the MMF7 should I do? It's been in my audio closet for 2 years.

 Thanks again!

Replace the platter bearing oil, I use Mobile 1 synthetic oil.

Clean and check the belt.

Clean and treat the RCA connectors.

Check the tonearm bearings for corrosion if the 'table has been sitting in a humid environment.

Enjoy your "new" turntable! '-)

