"The purpose of HT Bypass is to turn an integrated amp into a power amp with the push of just one button and controls its volume from the a remote surround processor. Bypassing the integrated's preamp section. And then go back to the integrated's preamp by pushing the same button again when playing a source connected to the integrated."
Not all on the list function that way. Many just have a direct amp input and the only way to change is disconnect cables. If you can't find an integrated with enough power that has HT bypass via button push or menu selection, then you might try looking for a preamp that switches between active and passive.
Not all on the list function that way. Many just have a direct amp input and the only way to change is disconnect cables. If you can't find an integrated with enough power that has HT bypass via button push or menu selection, then you might try looking for a preamp that switches between active and passive.