The EAR amps you’re interested in are very well regarded. Of the 2 and given your stated preferences I believe the EAR 861 (EL 519 strapped in triode) are likely closer to SET in character. The VAC REN 70/70 mentioned earlier is an excellent example of push pull 300b topology. A very similar option is the Canary 339, 300b push pull 50 watts per channel.
A fine SET amplifier that meets your power requirements is the Line Magnetic 508ia which is 40 watts per channel via 805 tubes. I really suspect their 219ia SET 24 watts using 845 tubes would be an option as well. This is a massively built true dual mono amplifier that uses the 300b as the driver tube for the 845 output tube. Both these amps have earned terrific owners word of mouth.
It would be very helpful to know what speakers you have. All 91 db sensitivity speakers aren’t equal when it comes to ease of load characteristics (impedance).