Help with MC Cartridge Recommendation to Swap from Ortofon 2M Black MM

I'd like to dip my feet into the MC world.  What would be a good introduction as I am going from an Ortofon 2M Black MM?  

Here's my setup

Manley Chinook tube phono preamp
Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP integrated
PSB Imagine T2 loudspeakers

I'd like to stay south of $1k.  I listen to all sorts of music, but on vinyl it would be in this order:

Jazz 50%
Rock 40%
Folk/Other 10%

I've never had a MC so I don't know where to start.  Thanks all!!!
Hi tablejockey,

AT's upper lines were always among the best MMs IMO. Incredible stylus profiles and ultra-light cantilevers made of beryllium before the EPA helped us out. 

Enjoy your fine cartridge and don't worry about "what's better". You are already at the sweet spot of price/performance.

Best to you tablejockey,
I have the 2m Black and a Cadenza Red.  If you like the Black,  the Cadenza Red is worth a listen. 
Chinook has nowhere near enough gain for Art7! Art9 much better match, plus listener doesn't mention classical music and AT recommends the 9 over the 7 for music that OP likes. 

Dynavectors need to be on the short list. 

Hana is the new flavor-of-the-month. I still haven't heard one, but just saw a used one listed for first time here. That didn't last long! Cheers,
First off, my reason for trying out a MC is just that--to try one.  I thought that a MC might give better detail than a moving coil.  And, I thought that it would be interesting given my phono pre has dip switches and can match with some MCs.  

The AT Art9 seems hard to get unless you go eBay.  I'm not opposed to that though. 

Dynavector would certainly make my list. I would like to try a Denon MC, but I think it's too heavy for my unipivot arm, or maybe not?