Pass Labs INT 60 VS. Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP VS. Arcam A49

Tying to decide between the Pass Labs INT 60 integrated amp and the Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP integrated tube amp. I currently have the Arcam A49 which is excellent but looking for something with even more detail. All three have many excellent reviews, looking for input to make a decision. I have Wilson Audio Sasha 1 speakers, an Arcam D33 DAC, Rega Apollo-R CD, Clearaudio Performance DC turntable with a Manley Chinook phono stage. 
That Wilson says it's ok, doesn't mean that much to me. Speaker manufacturers often say such things so as not to lose sales and embarrass their retailers. What will work, and what will work best are different things.

Unsound, thank you for your input. I only have space for an integrated amp and want to make the right decision. The Arcam A49 powered them very well, just looking for a change and something with even greater detail. I believe the Sasha's are 4 Ohm. 
That's a fair point but I don't believe that Wilson would offer that advice in a generic manner for the sake of politeness and not wanting to offend. Given that they have used tube amplifiers during presentations and there's ample feedback from Shasha owners who've happily used tube amplifiers. 

I'm left to conclude that both tube and transistor power amplifiers can and have been used successfully.  As is always the case it is depends on what type of sound character and presentation a listener seeks. I'm well aware of the speaker's test measurements yet also recognize the very good outcomes attested to from the use of an appropriate tube amplifier in numerous systems. 

This and other forums are replete with experiences of happy Shasha/tube amplifier owners (and SS amplifier owners  as well).
Charles1dad,  I'm not trying to make this a tube vs. ss debate, even many ss integrateds would be challanged by the sub 2 Ohm load coupled with a difficult phase angle. 

Oops, I meant to add..... We sometimes think that the greatest amount of care goes into show demonstrations, when in reality often times systems are cobbled together at the last minute from borrowing components from local dealers located near the shows.