Please help me decide.

I currently have a Sony 36" XBR CRT. A neighbor is selling his 40" XBR for a 50" LCD/Plasma. What would be a fair offer on my part since he said he would sell it anywhere from $500-$700 including the stand which cost $500.
I wanted to aquire a 57" DLP, but would keep the 40" for about a year until I bought something else.
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I would save your money for a quality plasma. I had the Sony XBR and bought a Pioneer 50" plasma. Best money I ever spent. If you buy the 40" XBR you are only going to get a plasma or an alternative flat screen HDTV anyway. Be patien
I was about to make a purchase when the 120hz thing popped up. None of the set's I wanted had the feature. The set I have in the bedroom is 25 years old and the 36" would take it's place.
If I get the 40", I could sell the 36" in a year or two and put that money towards a 57" DLP(unless no one here thinks DLP's are competitive).
Take a look at Banyan Electronics: