What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz?

Also what bass driver or drivers do they use?

I also boost a bit with controls, to accommodate the Fletcher-Munson effect at low listening levels, if i think about it.

There is no doubt to myself, about this effect. It is very important. For the others benefit I post a link on some info to it.


What is it?

The Fletcher Munson Curve is a graph that illustrates an interesting phenomenon of human hearing.

When listening to music through your studio monitors or headphones…
As the actual loudness changes, the perceived loudness our brains hear will change at a different rate, depending on the frequency.

Here’s what I mean:

• At low listening volumes – mid range frequencies sound more prominent, while the low and high frequency ranges seem to fall into the background.

• At high listening volumes – the lows and highs sound more prominent, while the mid range seems comparatively softer.

Yet in reality, the overall tonal balance of the sound remains the same, no matter what the listening volume."


thanks for posting the pic of the room. Wanted to share a past experience I had.

Used to have a setup with full range speakers that needed to be close to the rooms side wall boundaries to achieve the low.. lows, with side treatment much like in your picture. I used the mirror technique. I then changed out amps - actually two different amps and noticed something interesting. I was able to move the speakers away from side walls significantly, but did not lose the low frequencies. The amp that could not produce the low, lows with those speakers, was a 300 wpc Class A/b. Both replacement amps that were able to - 600 wpc Class A and 100 wpc Tube Push Pull Amp.
The previous amp was checked out as ok. It also happened (I have sold it since) to be a brand that is very much paired with the speakers used. i found this interesting.

@the OP - Mapman

So ....did you try that Phil Collins In The Air Tonight bass link test I posted earlier through your main rig yet ? Interested to know what happened.


I'll need to find a way to download that Phil Collins track as a WAV or MP3 to test since I'm using digital room correction. Might be able to get the audio from Youtube to stream over DLNA as well, but I have not looked into it.

In my case, the loudspeakers are close to the walls (18.5" away on-center) for soundstage reasons more than for bass...which I have too much of in this room without correction.
Is there a small, inexpensive car that goes zero to sixty in under 2.5 seconds? And I also want it to handle like a Porsche and hit a top speed of 250 mph. And have a full size trunk with the ability to drive underwater and get great gas mileage…for under 1200 bucks...
Check out Neat Motive SX1, a petite floor stander that extends down to 25Hz. http://www.neat.co.uk/p_pages/motiveone.php
A great musical speaker that punches well above its price point