There are certainly some very good options out there in that price range. I kind of avoid the ones that are mass marketed, the big names. So here are a few smaller companies.
The deHavilland 50A. This is a forty watt mono block amplifier that uses KT 88's and runs in, and this is huge, they deliver those 40 watts in triode mode. Made in Washington state. Point to point wiring.
You might be interested in these beauties as well. The Melody PM 845. They use the wonderful sounding 845 tube, run in class A and put out 70 watts per channel. They come in from Taiwan.
The Zesto Audio Bio Stereo amplifier. 40 really powerful watts, from the KT88's. Made in California. Class A. Good company.
The deHavilland 50A. This is a forty watt mono block amplifier that uses KT 88's and runs in, and this is huge, they deliver those 40 watts in triode mode. Made in Washington state. Point to point wiring.
You might be interested in these beauties as well. The Melody PM 845. They use the wonderful sounding 845 tube, run in class A and put out 70 watts per channel. They come in from Taiwan.
The Zesto Audio Bio Stereo amplifier. 40 really powerful watts, from the KT88's. Made in California. Class A. Good company.