Power Cable DIY - Please advise


Im planning on building a pair of DIY power cables, I have shortlisted a few cables and connectors, please feel free to recommend which one to purchase.

Furutech FP TCS31
Acoustic Revive Powermax 10000
Acrolink ???
NeoTech NEP 3200

connectors... Furutech FI 28/E38 or FI50 gold or rhodium??

Thanks in Advance
Take a look at...

It's a bit more advanced DIY, but they are exceptionally good.

I use them throughout my system

@ Auxinput,
Excellent Insights, As for the Porter Ports to tell you the truth though the price is a steal & fits my budget perfectly I have been slightly hesitant after Albert confirming the interior parts to be "Brass", he does have a contract with Hubbell to supply IG (isolated ground) where available.

May I ask, what cable, connectors, receptacles are you using currently in your rig?
@ Steve (williewonka), thank you for sharing your work. However I'm not much of DIYer and might find it difficult to build upon your experience. I'll send you a separate mail....

The Furutech FP 3TS762 comes highly regarded as one of the best VFM PC by a very credible audiophile who has done 100's of reviews for uber priced equipment.
@ Erik, thank you for your response..

Could you please elaborate on what you mean by "Connect the ground at both ends but ONLY use the wall end for the shield"

Do you mean something described in these pics..

Here's a link to a reputed Chinese site Hong Kong actually, I wish it was in English. Nevertheless, nice pictures... Please have a look..

Kind of. So in the US wiring is usually black, white , green.

Then in rare, audiophiliac related cases you have a shield. The green is the safety ground. You MUST connect the green conductor to the center pin at both ends. No and /or/buts. MUST connect it.

However, the fourth conductor, a shield, only connects at the wall, or male plug. The green wire, being of equal gauge to the current carrying wires (black and white) is all that’s needed to act as a proper safety ground. The shield is not required to be connected at all by any codes or safety procedures, but to be an effective noise shield it needs to get grounded somewhere, and the place to maximize the noise rejection is at the wall, not your equipment.

Here is a link to the DH Labs power cable, so it’s more clear.


So of course, IEC connectors have only 3 pins. How do you attach 4 conductors when you have 3 pins? Carefully. :-)

At the wall, all 4 conductors. The green and shield get twisted together. Usually black would go to the "hot" pin, white to the neutral.

At the other end where you attach your amp/preamp/DAC/whatever, only the 3 insulated wires get attached. Neatly trim any shield so it's not in the way of your work.

