How do I power my 800D(3)s

Hi folks

I am new to this, but trying to learn fast!

I have long been a fan of Bowers and Wilkins and I am lucky enough to buy a brand new pair of 800D(3)'s.  I have recently built a new house, so now have enough space for this very special purchase, which I plan to make in the next month or so.

I want to run a two channel system in our living room so it's a pretty simple layout.  Can anybody give me some advice, so that I get the best out of the speakers.  Will a Pre-Amp, and an Amp be enough with a Streamer?  Do I need two amps?  

Can you also advise on the best brands to look at.  I see that B&W tends to show the speakers off in thier demo's with Classe?  Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

With S.A.P.- measuerement we are able to create stealth low frequency. This means that the energy is exactly were it is of the recording.

A subwoofer is in phase with the speakers and the system also locates were it stands compared to the speakers. Without S.A.P. you cannot create the stunning level of stealth low frequency.

But it even goes further than this. The system wil give you more layers in the whole frequency range. Details and layers which are not there with any highend pre amp you use. Solving the acoustic problems of a room is only 1/3 of the system. This is important, but the other parts are able to create new layers which are not possible to create with other acoustic measurement systems.

I am a perfectionist and my focus is only on those products which are the best at the moment wel live. I really don’t F. care what the name is. Our focus is only on result and quality. Audio is about creating the best possible, second best is for losers.

When you work by Tru-Fi, you focus on properties. This is the only way to use all the properties a speaker owns. When you use B&W by Tru-Fi you will miss different qualities compared to the Platinum series of Monitor Audio. I can demo this based on facts for everyone. I am even prepared to demo it.

The speed and timing of the drivers of the Platinum series are superior compared to the speed of the new 800D3 series. And again I can proof it and demo it with ease. Based on the response and the techniques of the Platinum series drivers the level of layering is bigger. When you use acoustic instruments you can hear it easily.

I can garantee for 100% that the stage depth and width of the Platinum series is a lot bigger compared to the 800D3 series. This has nothing to do with personal taste, but it is a fact you cannot change. And again I can proof it and demo it.

The AMT tweeter is superior to the outdated diamond tweeter. This is base don the fact that the AMT tweeter of the Platinum series can do each single part better than the old fashion dome tweeter of the 800D3 series. I also think this was the last time B&W used a dome tweeter in their 800 series.

It is so much more natural sounding, it can create a stage which is so much bigger than the 800 series, and the physical appearance is also of a much more realistic level.

We test each tool of all 8 parts of Tru-Fi. We test tools so we have an idea what the dna is of this part. Stage depth and witdth is an essential part of highend audio. Because it makes music more intimate and tangible.

The AMT tweeter is able to let you hear diversity in height of a level I never auditioned before. All the 800D3 demos showed us that the height of recordings were almost the same. During the demo I went to the speaker and aks the people how high the high hats were?

Everyone agreed that it was were the tweeter ends. And again this has nothing to do with personal taste. It is as it is. I understand that people with B&W loudspeakers don’t want this to read.

But again.......what do you prefer to read.......the truth of the thing you like to hear.

When you label each single part, you will know exactley all the properties of each part in your set. When each part owns a higher level in properties the endresult will become a lot higher.

That is why I only use and sell products which are superior in stage depth and width. They can offer a higher endresult based on the human emotion.

The thing what makes audio so easy is that each single person always will choose for the highest level of emotion a system can offer.

That is why we work by Tru-Fi, because it is based on the human emotion.

I will proof by sound that Tru-Fi is the highest level of emotion you can create by audio. I have proven this already to many people. In 2017 we will invite many people in audio. You will read it soon.

Because the sound always will tell the truth!
"are superior in stage depth and width. They can offer a higher endresult based on the human emotion.

The thing what makes audio so easy is that each single person always will choose for the highest level of emotion a system can offer.

That is why we work by Tru-Fi, because it is based on the human emotion."

It seems to me the use of the word emotion is what Judge Judy refers to as "puffing." It’s OK for Audio Dealers and Manufacturers to use words like emotion but as far as I know there’s no way to actually measure emotion or to even ascertain whether a particular listener is capable of feeling emotion, or whether emotion in that person is elicited by music or anything else’s. It’s a bit like Kent cigarettes that were marketed to "intelligent people" or Pheasant brand wine that was marketed to "particular people." Maybe a mood ring would come in handy in listening tests. 😀

I give you an example: we compared the Wilson Sasha with the Pl-200 of Monitor Audio. The Platinum could reveal information what was not obserable with the Sasha. Layers  in the low frequencies were missing, in the mid frequencies as well and also was there more information in the high frequencies with the Pl-200 II.

Read the next article. Stereophile had the gutts to compare it as well with Wilson Audio.

I have done many tests between speakers in stage depth. When you demo an acoustic song between a 2 dimensional stage and a 3 dimensional stage . Many of the people use the words; more emotional. When a voice gets a more 3 dimensional shape and there is more air around it the difference is how it influences people is huge.

Diversity in sound is the most important part in music to create emotion. So when you are able to create more diversity, you get a higher level of emotion.

When you create audio by trial and error you have no idea how the sound is being build. It will always be a big guess. The biggest limitation in audio are the acoustics. With S.A.P. we are far ahead of the rest. But this is not the only part. We can modify amp, sources and powersupplies to greate a higher level of diversity.

And again we can demo this by shootout. Audio is shootout.

In 2007-2009 I did run an audioshop. And I had a 2 dimensional system and a 3 dimensional system ready for shootout. The way people react had a big influence on me. This is the main reason why I stopped in 2009 selling 2 dimensional audio.


thanks for the link - very interesting - measurements look extremely good. I see that Monitor have a patent on a damping nylon ring that fits between the voice coil and driver. Similar purposes no doubt to accuton rubber dots on their drivers - to dampen unwanted ringing from rigid drivers no doubt.

I woukd not be so quick as to condemn Wilson - they have been around a while and might be doing something right with their choice of drivers and things some people can hear (not everything is 3D image - many factors are important in a speaker)
Many  audio reviews are paid, this way you will never get the right information about a product. In real we see and hear totally different results than the reviews.

And again.....what do you want to hear.....the truth or the thing you would like to hear?

3D sound is only possible when each part of a system is able to create it. This is why we only sell products which are able to create a stunning level in 3 dimensional stage.

The biggest limitation in audio is that most products are 2 dimensional. This counts for loudspeakers, amps and sources.