Kimber Monocle X

Just wanted to see if anyone out there has experience with these speaker cables. A pair is available near me at a great price and I'm tempted to just go for it but there are not a lot of reviews available online so I wanted to get a little feedback. I currently use Kimber 8VS so I have to imagine they'll be a big step up for me, but I'd like to think I would want to stick with them for a while because I know I'm going to upgrade my speaker cables soon anyway. I have a Musical Fidelity a3cr pair and Infinity RSIIIa speakers. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
If you plan on upgrading any of your other components, do that first. Active components and speakers should make a much bigger difference than a pair of speaker cables. Especially since both cables are made by the same company. Also, cables don't always sound the same with different equipment. In one system, a cable may sound bright, and in another system, dull. 

The secret to making the right cable choice, is to properly match your components first. If you get that right, cable selection becomes much easier. Most people demand way too much from cables, and are usually disappointed because they don't do as much as they thought they would.
As a former owner of the XL, you can do much better at retail prices.  They are not bad cables but it all comes down to "what is a great price"
Appreciate the input all - I'm pretty set w my system right now and don't envision adding any new components in the near future other than maybe an sut to my vinyl rig (vpi classic/dv20x2/black cube se ii). And I like the sound I get from my 8vs on the whole. But monocle x is a considerable jump up the kimber chain and when I saw their local avail it definitely made me think. I need a fairly long run for my set up and he has a 10ft pair of monocle x that I think I could get for 600. Less than half off retail. 

I did a comparison with Monocle X, Nirvana SL, and Straightwire Maestro II with Thiel 3.6 and Mcintosh mono's courtesy of the Cable Company a few years back.  The SW was the best, the other two were close.  The Monocle was on the warm side, slightly more refined than 8TC but not as open and transparent.  I will always have a run of 8TC around, they are classic solid performers.  I thought Kimber Select 3035 was on the warm side also.  I bought the 3035's w/o an audition and lived with them for a couple of years before selling.

The Monocles are probably not the best match for Thiels because they are so transparent but the warmer mid bass was nice.  As Jayctoy says the only way to know is to try in your system and your room.