I'll tell you what you get from ISF calibration. It's a mixed bag! - depends on who's doing it, really.
I've had to fix mistakes from otherwise highly recommended ISF guys - even when they come out with their several thousand dollar Sencore Analyzers.
For the record, guys have been not only doing video system calibration for years without having all the fancy test generators and color analyzers. In fact, there were many of us who were taught to dial in displays with out such equipment for years, and we did just fine actually.
Basically, just because someone went through a class to use some equipment, does not mean they will get you perfect results!...for the record.
Years ago we hired Sony's local guy to come out at $125/hr to calibrate a large Sony CRT projection setup. He did a wonderful job, nailed the setup, and used absolutely nothing but his naked eye and experience!
So, just because someone has ANY LICENSE or training, does not mean they're proficient, careful, skilled, patient, or experienced with everything there is to know. I mean -lol - they guy could have paid $1000's for training, and could be COLOR BLIND FOR GOD'S SAKE! Same goes with audio engineers. The guy could be tone-def from years of going rock concerts. How do you know?
The same goes for hiring certified installers to hook up your systems! As we all know, there are good and not so good quality operations in every industry. Having a certificate means only so much.
Anyone else ever get an ISF or HAA/THX cert system done, and then realized things could have come out better when the job was done? I'm curious
Experience and recommendations, word of mouth, etc, all count for more in my 20 years expereince around all this.
Opinions will vary, however. I'm sure.
Anyone else have story