Paradigm Personas anyone heard them

No reviews on these yet that I can find. Curious if anyone has heard them and what were your impressions. Also any comparisons to the outgoing signature series?
Von Schweikert vr 55 , Legacy Aeris , Off the top of my head offer active bass . Becoming more common .
And Legacy now has the Focus XD with active bass for less $ than the Aeris.  That is the one I have my eye on. And I think it will also be offered with the Wavelet room correction unit. Word is that, with the room correction, you can get it to 80 to 90% of the Aeris.
Hey Mtrot, we sell the Legacy's as well, the Aeris is still a considerably better speaker, the Focus XD is an awesome speaker for the price and an amazing amount of performance for the money and you are right that that Focus XD does get you close, the Aeris still have a more open midrange and an overall larger presentation.
As per the Personas vs the Legacy, nothing beats the clarity of the new Paradigm Beryillium drivers, the Persona's also have absolutely incredible imaging. 
The fact that Paradigm has made a way to get both the tweeter and mid made of Beryllium is going to be a game changer.  The only other speaker I know of like this is the TAD system, and it is not cheap.  Although a little under the radar, funny enough this is the other speaker that "if I could" I would.  Since the tweeter and mid are made of the same thing the inherent sonic resonances are the same, making for more uniform sound.  

Sadly, and this is an old audio reality, you tend to buy what you are exposed to, and in Vancouver, BC, you will see the Paradigms.  I have never seen Von Schweikerts, Legacy or Magicos.  You don't buy what you cannot try out, or at least see and touch.  I am eager to await for any reviews, especially if it is in print.  I would like to think Stereophile or TAS would do it, but......In any case, Bravo Paradigm.  Considering the evolution, the next iteration could be interesting, to say nothing of the trick down effect.  But I don't see the Beryllium part doing that.