Wadia 850 repair? Suggested replacement?

I have a Wadia 850CDP I have owned since around 97-98 (I think). About 5 years ago it developed a problem with the loading mechanism and a CD got stuck. Wadia was able to repair and all was okay till about 2 weeks ago. Now there's a grinding sound when the drawer opens and as it reads the CD and now it will occasionally skip. I have contacted Wadia (now ARC owns them) and I'm told they no longer support it :-(
Does anyone know of a place that might be able to fix it? Preferably in the NYC area. If my fear is realized and it can no longer be repaired, what do you guys suggest as a replacement? Preferably under $5k. TIA and Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas!
Georgelofi and mb1audio02 thank you for your suggestions. I will reach out to Stereo Exchange. I thought about reaching out to Steve Huntley but GNS is no longer and I'm not sure if he will work on old Wadia gear at RA. I guess I'll find out soon ;-)

I was looking at the Ayre7. We'll how it goes with the repair first. At any rate, I won't be able to buy a new CDP till Q2 next year anyway. I have an old Proceed CDP to keep me company in the meantime.

Will keep you all posted. Including you jafant ;-)

Happy Holidays!

If he can get the parts, I don't think he'll have any issues fixing your 850. He had no problem turning my 861 into an 861SE for me. The SE upgrade is just a transport, so its really the same exact job.

In the mean time, if you come across a good used 302, its definitely a nice upgrade from the 850 (at least I think so). Also, if you would consider just a dac, Wadia's new products are outstanding, and the prices are very fair for what they give you. They brought some of the original Wadia people back and they're off to a good start.
I am In New Jersey and can take a look at it for you.  Send me a message if you are interested.
The guy I spoke to at SE was pretty condescending so I don't think I'll be bringing my Wadia there. I'll contact Steve and see what he says.

bigkidz, if it doesn't work out with Steve I'll contact you. Thank you :-)
Welcome to NY. The techs that work for SE are very good, but that's no excuse for the attitude. I wouldn't put up with that either.