Repair Shop in Southern California


My amp generates a click sound every 2 seconds and I suspect this may be related to protection circuit. Could you guys recommend a repair shop in SoCal?  The power amp is Mitsubishi DA-A30 with preamp DA-P30.

I've had a positive experience with this company:

Friendly, and good customer service. My issue was covered under warranty, so I can't speak for their pricing.
Thank you guys.

The click is from amp and only noticeable when not playing music. I did some web research and most ppl say it is related to protection circuit been activated.  They are old amps but I just love them.    
" The click is from amp and only noticeable when not playing music. I did some web research and most ppl say it is related to protection circuit been activated.  They are old amps but I just love them."

Before you send it out for repair, you may want to go over your system. Given the age of the component in question, I would check all the cables, including the power cord, for any type of corrosion at all the contact points, and for damage. 

Good advise MB. Just checked cables and cords and they all looked fine. I guess I will bring the to gm AV. Bought them in 85 and no issues until now. I have a newer type of receiver (the AV stuff) but it does not produce same quality of sound on the same set of speakers. The old mitsu are way clean and solid IMO.