I would not get too caught up in the whole true versus quasi ribbon question.......a quasi ribbon is ANY variation on a true ribbon, which is simply a ribbon in air w/ voltage applied......In the case of the 1.7i's, the quasi ribbon consists of a TRUE RIBBON applied to a mylar film, whereas in the case of the 3.7 and 20.7 loudspeakers, no mylar film......that's it!
Whoever said that the 2.5 sounds better than a 1.7i needs to go hear the 1.7i (and he said he had not)......I have heard both of them (in the case of the 2.5 though, it was a quarter of a century ago!)
The 1.7i's have a wonderful musicality with less bass than the 3.7i's, but in a small to medium space, you'd likely not miss it......we're talking 3x the cost to go to 3.7i's, but there are bargains to be had on 3.7's, in the 3k to 3.5k range........
If I were the original poster, I would absolutely dismiss purchasing a loudspeaker going on 30 years old......The current stable of Maggies are night and day different now in terms of coherency and musicality......it would be much like having a quilt removed from the old speaker.......and quasi ribbon versus true are TRIVIAL matters.....
In my mind the choice would be based on size of listening room and what you could make work aesthetically.......1.7i if space is limited and 3.7 or 3.7i if it's not (you can always upgrade the 3.7 to i status later for 500.00 plus freight......
The 3.7s are wonderful but the 1.7i is cut from the same cloth......
Here is a video of 1.6's, which the 1.7i's obliterate in my opin:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRsVxyNiAOYHere is a video of my setup back when I had the 7 amps:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8KkhdoYLZUJust after adding 28s:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgmHbORQ5EwHow good are the 3.7s?
Least costly component in my system by a very large margin
and they're not going ANYWHERE.........they are not for sale.....and probably won't be for a very long time........