Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?

   Considering the many, many brands of power cords I've tried in my very well accomplished high-end system, I have never been so impacted by these Core Power Technology power cords. Within a very short period(15-20) minutes my system literally came alive. Soundstage opened wider and deeper. The background became dead silent, space between instruments and stage members were more focused and everything sounded cleaner and musical than ever. My highs had a glorious crispness and symbols shimmered. Midrange through my 2" horn became more dynamic and punchy. My 15" bass driver tightened and dug low with great control. My Rel G1 which is a fabulous sub on its own but with a CPT 150 on it is another story. Running high pass from my sub to my Audiozen Noah amplifier, music depth is just stunning. Lower end bass is authoritative and clean with solid grip and impact. 
   My experience with these power cords is truly magical. The scary part of the above is I only have one 150 on my sub and one 300 from my wall to my 6 outlet bar. I still need 3 more to complete my system. I could just imagine the level after that...In closing, I cannot emphasize enough to try one of these in your system. I CANNOT and WIIL NOT take these out as they are that good. But hold your jaw, cuz what you've been listening to will just become real after Core Power Technologies. 

Cheers....and let the tapping begin.......

The "Deep Core" has me intrigued as well, it may be a real game changer. I'm enjoying my E=Q 300, but the way owners are reacting to their new E=Q 1800s makes me really want to invest in one of those bad boys. The bigger 1800 would let me plug in all my gear, including my flat screen, and get the benefits of balanced power for all my equipment. 

For sure you are on the list. BTW - the new footers are going to arrive this week and we will be sending them to all...


Thanks Kemp - we feel very certain about this product. We ran late as amazingly (and more apt - sadly) we lost our PCB Designer as he suddenly passed away (56 y/o)... we lost two valuable members this year and they are so missed and SO appreciated. Humbled for sure... 


For sure lak - you are going to really enjoy Deep Core - we all feel it's a Game Changer. Once you have Balanced Power adding the Deep Core will resonate for sure...

We are slugging away. Our new PCB Engineer (Hassan) should be ready this week with the board and then we can assemble

Thanks all

Best Holiday Wishes...

 Hi guys, 

    I have a bunch of equipment, and have questions like kazuist.  I am wondering if I can still get that Wow feeling by adding something new.  It's always fun to get that Shazam feeling. But hard to understand how it can keep getting better. Logic tells me that there are diminishing returns.                Currently I'm using a PS Audio P-1000 on my digital side. And feeding the analogue side I have a pair of Isoclean 3030 in series, feeding a Jack Bybee conditioner.  And I have a good selection of cables.  ... I feel a little bit stupid to confess this.  But, I just realized I could do better.  If I would be plugging the Isoclean into one of the isolated outlets on the P-1000 instead of just plugging the two sides into different wall outlets as far apart as I could.  I remember that I thought about this when I set it up though.  Oh well. Sometimes reconsidering things is good. 
    I have to wonder.  I read that it is advised, to place your products after the regenerator. That's what I would have thought. 
   If you were me, hat would you do, using your products to get that wow ? What advice might you offer ?  It's hard to believe that I'm heading for more AC gear.  But I'm a believer.  Because I know how satisfying it can be to get that wow. 
   And here's something that makes me mad.  There's a little florescent light on the opposite side of the room. And when turning it off. I hear the very audible pop sound from the stereo if it's on.  I think it might have even zapped my Mark Levinson 360S. Unbelievable.  I've been thinking about putting a Monster unit in front of the Isocleans. To be sacrificial in part. But also trying a band aid approach.  I know that with some effort, I can diagnose.  And find out about that pop.
   What do you think ?   

BTW  I have some old Jack Bybee speaker tails. I used to never believe that anything in the speaker cable could improve the sound.  Well, I learned differently. Because of some weird speaker wire connections,  I used it connected  to the amps.  Nothin' special.  Just making a connection.  Well, then I read on a forum that I should reverse the polarity.   And ... WOW !!  Just like that.   ... That was fun.   ... So, can I do it again ?