Acurus A150 v. Bryston 4b

Looking for a stopgap amp for my Magnepan 1.7s until I can fund the amp I really want. Acurus A150 or the Bryston 4b, opinions? The Bryston is not an ST or SST.
I know that Wendell has hauled the newer Brystons around to shows...

curious what you really want
Both will drive your Maggies pretty well.  If only a stop gap amp, get the one that offers the most bang for your buck.

Bryston is a better amp than the Acurus, but I wouldn't get either. If you just want something to hold you over, get a pro amp. A QSC GX3 would be a good choice. Guitar Center sells them for $299 brand new. It has more than enough power to drive your 1.7's and its made in the USA. CG gives you 30 days to return it. Its not an audiophile amp as far as SQ goes, but it will get the job done.