Once Upon A Time In...

Today the first time I'm watching the "US version" of "Once Upon A Time In America" by F Copollo and realize why it wasn't accepted by the US public. There is more than half of movie is so BRUTALLY cut. Aren't we have a mature audience here? In Europe this movie was shown uncut to young adults 16 y.o. or above and none would believe that it would initiate serious society problems. Why shouldn't We understand it right and what is our guilt to be banned from real art?
it's not directed by coppola, it's directed by sergio leone. coppola was busy directing the godfather.

and it is indeed a fine film, and worth seeing the full version.
I have the LD version,and it is in mono,unfortunately. The Morroconi soundtract is hauntingly beautiful. This guy writes some beautiful music for movies.--I also believe the soundtrack "makes" the movie.(as in;try watching this movie with no music) Ennio has written some 300 or more movie scores/without an Oscar.--Many nominations--To me,just because he wrote the music,is reason enough to see the movie.--Don't forget The Mission. --Melana,was nominated a year ago and he lost again for the umteenth time.
This movie is not available yet in DVD format. I have the letterbox laserdisc. The Uncut version is also available in VHS (2 tapes).

They not only cut the US version, they rearranged the plot lines, which makes it very confusing. Note: the young girl main character is played by a 10 year old Jennifer Connelly.

The VHS 2 tape set is available at Amazon.com for $26.97. You can probably find it used on eBay, Half.com, or Amazon