Any Vandersteen 7 Owners in SFO Bay Area ?


There is no dealer in San Francisco Bay Area who carries Vandersteen 7.  I want to listen to them before i consider and upgrade and wondering if there is anyone in my area who can help me.  I own 5A Carbons and thinking of upgrading. 
I"m about to finally order my Quatro's (as soon as my Treo buyer comes up with the rest of the money and takes them to his home). I vacillate between wood or paint and I'm really starting to consider paint even though it's a substantial upgrade. I will keep them forever and there are some really beautiful colors out there.  Audi Havana Black (copper flex in the black) is another beautiful color.  I will also use a ceramic nano coating on the final rubdown in order to get a deeper polish and strengthen the coating from a 4 or 5H to a 9H.  Much harder as painted surfaces can mar a bit easier than the veneer ones.  

I just heard the Sevens at Audio Connection and was very impressed. I liked them much better than the flagship Focal and Wilsons that I've heard.  Amazing coherence!
Great. Eagarly waiting for them.  Hope they sound good in my room. Need to fine tune my room acoustics before I get the speakers. 
Awesome and congrats!  I'm sure you will love them.  Randy will help you dial them in I'm sure.  It's so worth it.  I agree with limniscate IRT other's flagships.  I've heard a lot of other top speakers recently and am not impressed.  Just so much texture and info with all the Vandersteens. Just no smearing.  Only a fanboy because of what they do at their price points.  :)  Pleaes keep us informed
I had the 5As which I considered to be a breakthrough speaker especially for the price. Bought those from Bruce at Stereo Unlimited in Sand Diego. Bruce is a super dealer in every way. A few years later along comes the Model 7. Living in the LA area I heard the 7s at Optimal Enchantment where I met Randy Cooley who I discovered knows more about Vandersteen speakers than anyone else out there.
Purchased the 7s and use them with Aesthetix Atlas Signature mono
blocks (that are being upgraded as I write this to Atlas Eclipse) plus the Aesthetix Io Eclipse phono preamp with volume controls. I believe the best amps for the Model 7s are the Vandersteen, Aesthetix, and Ayre
amps. As for the 7s,  is there better speaker out there that will work in an average sized listening room? Not to my knowledge. My tastes are classical and jazz. These speakers will bring the sound of a concert hall
into your living room better than anything I have heard.  I have heard Richard Vandersteen say many times that the difference is in the drivers. His perfect piston drivers are simply the best available today. The rest of the 7s design is state of the art as well, but the drivers really set this speaker apart from the rest.