Once Upon A Time In...

Today the first time I'm watching the "US version" of "Once Upon A Time In America" by F Copollo and realize why it wasn't accepted by the US public. There is more than half of movie is so BRUTALLY cut. Aren't we have a mature audience here? In Europe this movie was shown uncut to young adults 16 y.o. or above and none would believe that it would initiate serious society problems. Why shouldn't We understand it right and what is our guilt to be banned from real art?
You really do need to search for the uncut version. The short version barely makes sense, and the slower pacing is a huge part of the movie's magic (working very much like "Once Upon A Time In The West"). I may be mistaken, but I believe the uncut version is 4 hours long and the US version was about 2-1/2 hours. 1-1/2 hours is a whole lotta movie to cut. I'm sure there may have been some nudity and violence cut out, but I don't think it was cut due to America's puritanism...I think it was cut when some Hollywood execs soiled their shorts after hearing about the 4 hour running time. Corporate Hollywood generally believes that most Americans won't sit through a three or four hour movie. That's probably true where a mass audience is concerned, but most long movies tend to be more artisitic and less mass appeal anyway. "Once Upon A Time In America" would never have been a huge money maker in this country, no matter how long it was.
Phil, What about Godfather? Star Wars?
Once Upon A Time In America is generally ~2x the length of an average Hollywood movie but all you have to do is just spare the time, sit and watch from beginning to the end where every episode MAKES sence no matter how long it takes. There is no such strong acts of violence as it was in Casino for example. There were only two exposed sexual episodes: first with cop's naked butt being fotographed during an intercourse with minor and second exposed women's body inside the funeral transporter(they were all cut of course). The rest of episodes with sexual content was not exposed but was spoken among the kids and adults as well(also cut).
Here is a secret
‘Once Upon A Time In America’ available on DVD.
As many of titles not currently made in US. ‘Produces’ for example…

Check out dvdbrazil.com

I don’t know about quality, but I guess it should be better than VHS.