Acurus A150 v. Bryston 4b

Looking for a stopgap amp for my Magnepan 1.7s until I can fund the amp I really want. Acurus A150 or the Bryston 4b, opinions? The Bryston is not an ST or SST.
On the back of my QSC GX3 (which I actually DO still have) is a clear little sticker showing the wattage, barcode, mentions Costa Mesa, and also says Made in China. The amp you show in the pic is a GX7 from the QSC site "images" and made me wonder…hmmm...seriously…an under $300, 400 plus watts per side pro amp made in the USA? Dream on…Again, QSC makes great stuff, China or Costa Mesa, but implying their stuff is USA made seems like baloney from QSC (and obviously misleading to consumers), but not surprising really as this sort of thing isn't uncommon.
There you have it, mb1 owes wolf.  And call this a hunch, but I don't think he wants it paid off in black fuses.
I just was poking around on Ebay and the first QSC GX3 (just like mine!) amp shown has the "Made in China" label visible, but weirdly many of the other GX amps either don’t show the back of the amp or the sticker is missing…conspiracy? Consumer fraud? OH NO! I actually own plenty of great stuff made in China so that’s not an issue, but otherwise…hmmm…look at pretty much any newish QSC product (powered speakers, etc.) sold by consumers on Ebay and the Made in China sticker is there, and stuff sold by dealers with what might be a QSC sourced pic has the sticker conveniently missing…the plot thickens...
" The amp you show in the pic is a GX7 from the QSC site "images" and made me wonder…hmmm...seriously…an under $300, 400 plus watts per side pro amp made in the USA? "

All of the GX's are made in the same factory and are the same size. The same case gets used for the 5 and 3. Do you seriously believe that they would split the line up and have some of them made here and some in China? That's silly. The assembly of all 3 amps is almost identical. It would cost them more to make them in China if they already make them over here. Maybe you got a knock off, or gray market. And if I'm not mistaken, you live in NYC, the gray market capital of the world. Either way, mine said Made in USA. How could I make a mistake like that? I thought it was made in China too, so it was a huge surprise when I saw the label. Why would I need to make something like this up?

This is my last post on this topic. If you agree with me, that's fine. If not, that's OK too. If you go to QSC's home page they clearly state their factory is in CA. All of their other locations are listed as offices. Now, if you go to QSC's website and navigate to the GX3 and click on the pic for the rear of the amp, you get this web address.

That pulls up the pic of the GX7 that you were so quick to point out. So is it a mistake? No. If you look at the address, its not labeled GX7, they label it in a way that covers multiple amps, not just the GX7. So its either a conspiracy started by QSC to fool all of us as to where the amp is made, or its just made in the US like the one in the pic and mine shows. 
For clarity and possible help in your seeming dilemma, I suggest you research comments from QSC in their forum where a QSC rep points out that some lines are of Chinese manufacture (the GX included) and others are from Costa Mesa. My wonderful Chinese made QSC amp came from a local Guitar Center in MA…if it’s grey market they certainly are doing a good job! Maybe you should go to a GC location and look at the labels on QSC stuff…I have actually done this recently as I was considering some of their powered monitors…all of those are labeled Made in China by the way (is Guitar Center capable of making their own QSC clones? Bastards!). The silver label in your pic DOES say GX7 and the pic was provided by QSC (sneaky) who seemingly have succeeded in pulling the wool over your eyes anyway, and you no longer have your GX3 to make your point…right? Thanks in advance for not responding, but since I’m here to help you understand international manufacturing processes, feel free to respond anyway. Just maybe do some research first.