Alphason HR-100S Arm

Can anyone suggest the method for adjusting cue height on this arm? I'm stumped and was wondering if any fellow goners had a recomendation before I start probing around orifices with a .035" hex wrench.
The queing height is adjusted with a tiny (might be .035 - never checked the wrench that closely) hex nut on the side of the plastic platform. The whole cylider can be moved up or down (as well as rotated) once the nut is loosened.

I'm at work, but from what I remember, the access hole comes at an angle.
Recently acquired an Alphason HR-100 arm and like other users am curious about adjusting cueing arm height..can't quite figure out the size or type of tool to do so ..and am VERY reluctant to continue probing around in there ..any help would be appreciated 

Hi, It's an allen wrench inserted in the small hole on the platter side of the platform. The hole is offset to the rear and the wrench goes in at an angle. Don't know the exact size. They go from small, extra small, tiny, miniscule, and microscopic.  Tiny might get it.

I don't have a sizing block for these or I'd tell you. I pick them out by sight. If you want the exact size contact Audio Origami:

Hex (allen) .035" flat ended.  Don't plan on just going on down to Harbor Freight and picking up the right size.  British Arm I am pretty sure this is a British STandard size. Which is NOT American Standard or Metric.  WWW should fulfill your quest..
Would not the use of "British Standard" have been much earlier
than the Alphason or pretty much any 50's on product?

SME was metric from the series 1 on if I recall.
Ok you Brits chime on.