Alphason HR-100S Arm

Can anyone suggest the method for adjusting cue height on this arm? I'm stumped and was wondering if any fellow goners had a recomendation before I start probing around orifices with a .035" hex wrench.
Thanks all... I've seemed to have heard in circles it's a 0.35  Fleib could you explain "goes in on an angle"?

If you have the arm in front of you, you'll see the hole is not perpendicular to the cue lever cylinder along the mounting platform.  Because it's set back, it's a PIA to adjust. With the arm mounted on a table,.it might be impossible.  

Also, the headshell lifter is ridiculous, but this is easily replaced with a ProJect (or any) replacement part. You might have to snip off half the piece due to the central headshell protrusion.  Other than those minor faults, the arm has a lot going for it, most notably the one piece titanium construction. Eff mass is in the 11g range, but it performs more like a low mass arm with med/high cu cartridges, that is in terms of resultant transient response.. High mass arms tend to sound sluggish with those carts, IMO.

That should read -

If you have the arm in front of you, you'll see the hole is not perpendicular to the cue lever cylinder relative to the side of the mounting platform. 


so I am at my wits end with the sizing of the hex wrench for the HR-100. I have under the recommendation of John at Audio Orgami ordered a full hex set that has royal as well as metric sizes to no avail,either it's already stripped and can't be removed or it is some other fitting. John did confirm that it's one of the "earlier" arms with the glued in leads. Not sure if this helps please advise,even how I can remove the screw and use a similar sized one with a comparable thread.


Braad8, not that big of a deal, just did this yesterday on a big SOTA and it is totally enclosed in a cabinet w a top.  Contrary to Fleib, adjusted cue height with arm on table in the cabinet!!!  Be brave.  Most definitely .035" for the cue height.

Agreed with Fleib it is a PITA. Very correct, the access hole is not perpendicular  However, this can be done.  Fish around with the .035.  it is a very small hex wrench.  Try to change the angle of approach with the wench until you feel the wrench lock into the bolt head.  Put the long arm into the port.  Twist the short arm.  I have never overtightened for fear of stripping.  You are dealing with vintage metal and plastic here, don't get too ham fisted. 

When you do get it set up correctly it may seem a little weird at first, with the cue in the full up position it appears that the entire cartridge will not clear the LP until you move the arm towards the platten and it hits the raising bump thus clearing the LP.

If it is stripped you could have arrived at destination F****D!  Machine Shop may have an idea?  Drill it out?  Could screw it up more trying to MgGyver.  John at Audio Origami should be able to figure it out or at least give you some ideas.  Check his website forum.