Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?

Mechanical grounding or isolation from vibration has been a hot topic as of late.  Many know from experience that footers, stands and other vibration technologies impact things that vibrate a lot like speakers, subs or even listening rooms (my recent experience with an "Energy room").  The question is does it have merit when it comes to electronics and if so why?  Are there plausible explanations for their effect on electronics or suggested measurement paradigms to document such an effect?
shadorne, these people are immune to proof. And to logic. At this point I'm hanging around this thread only for its humor value, to see how stupid the comments can get. The winner so far is the guy with the 70 pound battery who's certain he hears an improvement when it sits on an isolation platform. It amazes me that people who like to believe they have superior hearing have so little understanding about how their own hearing works, or how unreliable sighted comparisons more than a few seconds apart really are. Give any of these people a proper blind test and they'd fail like little children taking a college physics exam.
... At this point I'm hanging around this thread only for its humor value, to see how stupid the comments can get.
So far, Ethan, you're doing a great job. ;|

You are wrong none of what I own or use do I consider Isolated. That word is offensive and just dirt.  Just the opposite everything is direct coupled to the floor so as to remove or reduce shear wave interference. I use the same direct coupled methods with the use of polaration filters to remove interfering energy in my endpins for musical instruments. There are other materials and methods in addition to remove the interfering polarities. One is to disapate the energy into air thru a material that has the same velocity as air. The instruments become easier to play as a result. You can hear the difference and you can see the change in body language and sense of excitement in muscians face. Any instrument that touches the floor can have these improvements.One other thing we dont just hear with our ears we hear with all our body parts as if we are a geophone made of flesh and blood and bone. That is what makes some of us human rather than a robot textbook.Tom
You are wrong none of what I own or use do I consider Isolated. That word is offensive and just dirt. Just the opposite everything is direct coupled to the floor so as to remove or reduce shear wave interference. I use the same direct coupled methods with the use of polaration filters to remove interfering energy in my endpins for musical instruments. There are other materials and methods in addition to remove the interfering polarities. One is to disapate the energy into air thru a material that has the same velocity as air. The instruments become easier to play as a result. You can hear the difference and you can see the change in body language and sense of excitement in muscians face. Any instrument that touches the floor can have these improvements.One other thing we dont just hear with our ears we hear with all our body parts as if we are a geophone made of flesh and blood and bone. That is what makes some of us human rather than a robot textbook.Tom
Tom, you should send Ethan an Endpin for review since he is also a musician: