How come a power cable changes the sound?

A good power cable definetely changes the sound but how ? A cheap 2,5 mm copper cable comes upto wall outlet and comes through a fuse (which has very thin wire) than we add a huge heavy power cord which cost 500$ than the sound of the equipment has big improvement What is the technicial logic and magic out of that ? Thanks..
Ebm-a very appropriate question.
Millions on earth will never ask that question and millions more will never know why--but as earthlings-we will enjoy it's blueness regardless the reasons. I found going to an MIT Oracle AC3-a straightforward non networked power cord-- a big improvement to the standard power cord shipped with my reference Spectral gear. To know why would be nice--but I won't put off the pleasure until I know why. Cheers. Happy holidays. Pete
Rayleigh scattering causes the sky to appear blue

power cables should not affect your sound
- if you think they do, try some blind testing
- if they really do, a real moron designed your amp
Well back in 2000 when this thread started things were a lot different.

Just for starters trolls didn't have to look back 16 years to find to find something to re-troll.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone.