Green indicates other visible wavelengths of light from longer red to shorter blue are absorbed and only green reflected. That’s why you see green. Green is not the complimentary color of red. That would be blue + red which is magenta. So any conclusions based on this incorrect info cannot be correct. It would help to get the science of light correct first before attempting to apply it. Also how visible light is absorbed or reflected indicates nothing about infrared which is longer wavelength than any visible light and absorbed or reflected independently.
You would think a former NASA scientist would know these things. Sheesh. Wikipedia is still your friend.
Also to absorb red light only the color you would see is cyan which is blue + green reflected and red absorbed. What happens with non visible light at longer or shorter wavelengths is again independent of what happens at visible wavelengths blue through green through red.
You would think a former NASA scientist would know these things. Sheesh. Wikipedia is still your friend.
Also to absorb red light only the color you would see is cyan which is blue + green reflected and red absorbed. What happens with non visible light at longer or shorter wavelengths is again independent of what happens at visible wavelengths blue through green through red.