Best SSP - Upgrade from Integra DTC 9.8

Am wrestling through some issues with a (second) Integra DTC 9.8. Looking for opinions on potential replacements.
It feeds a Classe' CA-5200, which drives B&W 802Ds, center and surrounds. Pioneer Elite 9G for video.

Used fair amount for music, also movies and TV.

I care about quality, want high performance and reliability. Thought Integra was a bargain for its features. Not sure it is my problem, but my guess is it will have to go.

Um that Sim AV processor looks quite interesting - although a bit more money than the Integra range, for sure.
Sim has always made some pretty nice sounding stuff, if much better than mass-marketed mid-fi, like Rotel.
Would like to see some reviews on the newer Sim's, myself. Otherwise, I might go find one locally, either way, and see what I come up with.
As for the Wisdom Audio SC-1 (er whatever), I can't make out exactly what that is from a quick glance at their site.
The Integra person my installer is talking to is also suggesting that a longish HDMI cable could be the issue. Have a 50 foot cable. Going to test running a shorter one across the room to the TV to continue to trouble shoot. What are your thoughts on signal boosters? Would hate to have to pull the cable and replace it - painted conduit would likely require that we repaint much or all of the room.
A 50-foot HDMI cable is much more likely the source of dropouts than anything else. I'd go with two high quality HDMIs (e.g., Analysis Plus): a 15' and a 35' linked by a booster at the 15' point with AC adapter.
Thanks. I tried running a much shorter cable across the room from the Integra to the TV. I fully expected this to do the trick, but such was not the case. Still had same problem. We are going to try a booster anyway, as well as trying different pre/pros.
calling Kal! I noticed you had listened to the new Mark Levinson....can you comment on it...especially as a stand alone 2 channel preamp for those who want an all in one system?