Robert Lee recommends Triode Corp, but...
In conversation with Robert Lee of Acoustic Zen, I learned that he recommends Triode Corporation's amps and integrated for synergy with his speakers.
But...those amps are few and far between on the used market. I've put out a wanted ad for a power amp or anintegrated rated at 35W or more (Lee's advice for my Adagios).
In the meantime, can anyone offer a similar sounding tube amp/integrated under $3K that would mate/meld well with the AZ Adagios?
I'm running an LSA Statement integrated fed by a Jolida JD9 phono pre. The LSA is golden and is rated at 150W. It's a tad dry, but nothing to really complain about as I consider it a beautiful integrated. Still, in this hobby there's always the exploration avenue.
Thank you - and happy holidays!