Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

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Is it your experience that 3D soundstaging and accurate timbre/musicality/dynamics are mutually exclusive?


Not exclusve but correct timbre/musicality/dynamics is more important to me. I respect others have a different view and they may place much more importance on 3D effects.

Our brain processes sound for both directionality and the timbre/musicality/dynamics of the sound itself. The two processes are quite different. One seems to be related to the first arrival or first few cycles of a transient sound and how it hits each ear differently in time/phase, while the other appears to be more related to frequency/harmonic analysis (which clearly must examine the sound over many cycles and follows the tonal variations (such as pitch bend) and decay).
Good explanation shadorne. I have to admit to being addicted to venue recreation (imaging, soundstaging, air, and presence) so I go for the time/phase coherent speakers and cables. Something about having a sonic hologram in the room simply amazes me.

Appreciate and respect those that prioritize other qualities.

In the end, I think we want it all, no?

Best to you shadorne,

I remember a few years ago I was just on the verge of writing a check for Wilsons...the sound was glorious.   With curiosity, I ran home and got some of my own records as a final test.   I was glad to run out of there without dropping the check.... not at all musical (to me).  The store demo used records that really showed off his speakers.....I wanted to listen to mine.