Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


@dlcockrum Thanks for the compliment on my bike. Custom bikes are another obsession of mine :)

If I had no interest in bikes or HiFi gear I would be a wealthy man indeed LOL

@jmcgrogan2  Just wanted to be clear that I am by no means looking for others approval, I could care less what others think about my choices. I painted one of my Harleys pink, for example. How about that? HAHAHA

The reason for the post is that I have noticed over the years, even well before I owned Wilson, a trend towards slamming them and have been curious as to why. You make a valid point on pricing. I have never had the means to by new Wilsons, so I go after the used market and do quite well. You also hit the nail on the head mentioning proper gear upstream. Mostly with power. These are real bears to drive, and need lots of good power up front. I use a pair Bryston 28B STT2's so no issues there. They also keep my listening room nice an toasty warm in the winter months :)

" We don't focus on a name or brand but on the quality and properties we are looking for."  I am confused how you can say this.  You pretty much only focus on a few brands and if others state they like anything but your brands you callously put them down.  I really don't mean to sound rude, but you certainly don't hold back trashing others' purchases when they talk about them here, inlcuding the purchaser of the B&W 800 D(3)s who was asking about amplification.

I mostly think you just copy and paste the same lines.
Who cares you got great speakers enjoy them i have Magico people love to bad rap them as well i really don't care.If you are very happy with the sound as i am enjoy them many people have not heard these speaker set up well mine are in a great set up as I'm sure yours are that is all that counts.Enjoy!!

When a loudspeaker is not able to create a lot of stage depth and width, we will never sell it. Don’t forget that over 99% of all audio systems which are being sold are 2 dimensional.

Yesterday we did a test with the new Esoteric N-05. The person who does Esoteric in the Benelux visited over a week ago a shop who also has the B&W 800D3.

They did test many amps on the 800D3 and they said; we were not able to create more than 1 metre of stage depth. I can garantee for 100% thas this is the max.

When you own a loudspeaker of 30.000 dollar and it only can create 1 metre of stage depth you limit yourself.

I can garantee you 100% that a loudspeaker who creates a stunning 3 dimensional holographic stage will influence your emotion and level of exitement a lot.

I do never copy a text, but yes I write often the same kind of information. I want to keep it as simple as possible.

I visited many people with expensive systems. Most of them were not happy with their system. Now they know that the flat stage was an important part why they did not want to listen to their system anymore.

Based on the experience of people and their information I stopped selling any kind of 2D audio. The level of becoming one with the music is of a much lower level.

Wilson was a pioneer in charging prices that obliterated previous limits and delivering speakers wrapped in (then) exotic automotive finishes.  That combo struck some people as a bad thing - and likely accounts for some of the "haters".