Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

I've heard a number of different Wilson Audio speakers including the Alexandria XLF with several hundred K in supporting gear. My favorite by far is the Sabrina. Heard them with ARC GSi75 tube integrated (Sunny's in Covina) and with D'Agostino electronics (The Show Newport). They sounded beautiful in either setup. I still dream a bit occasionally, especially remembering the ARC tube integrated.
@bo1972 I'm not ready to embrace the 2D/3D distinction as a principal taxonomic category for high end audio.  Is 3D inclusive of other key attributes? What other properties are necessary or sufficient within 3D sound? Surely more than 1% of brands get it?  Santa, I'm here with milk and cookies in trade.
I am a fan of Wilson speakers having owned Sophias, Watt puppy 7s, Sashas and next up, Alexias. The Yvettes and Sabrinas are fairly  forgiving and partner well with a wide range of electronics. As for the upper ranks of Wilson speakers (Sasha, Alexia, Alexx, Alexandria), unless they are set up properly with synergistic partnering equipment, they can sound cavernous, shallow and/or shrill. But with the right equipment and proper setup, they can be sublime in all respects.

Getting the right equipment can be not to hard but can take a good amount of time and effort. The proper setup as the speaker gets bigger can become harder. It is so crtical for both those things to take place. That can take a Lot of time. So with bigger speakers it is harder to find ones that get those two needs met. So harder to find a good showing of them.
I would like to see that more brands are able to creat stage depth and width. In the over 18 years of time I have tested so many products. It is like an addiction.

I owned and sold 2 dimensional audio for a long time. It is not a bad thing. But I know why people prefer 3 dimensional sound far over 2 dimensional audio. The thing is that it has nothing to do with expensive audio.

By all the research I did I found out that some brands which are not that expensive are able to create it. In 2007 I started to look for products and brands what could create the same kind of exitement as the expensive systems I owned.

The positive thing about the time we live now, is that is is so much more easy to create a stunning level in sound for a lot less money compared to the past. That is why we want to give as many people possible a high level in quality for prices many people can afford.

In the past I visited different people with Wilson Audio loudspeakers. They needed cables like Transparent to tame the tweeter.

It is difficult for me to understand why they use a 23khz tweeter in the Sasha. It was clear that it had difficulties with different recordings. A speaker in this price range should own a tweeter what can handle each recording and alos Hi Res with ease. But this is not the case.

Even with MIT Oracle cables ( which tame the high fequencies like hell) the high frequencies still were not under controle.

Even a Momentum poweramp did not solve it as well. It is a cheap dome tweeter what does not cost a lot of money.

If I would create a speaker in this price range, I would use superior materials and techniques. The looks of the Wilson Audio loudspeakers are allowed in the US. But in Europe we see them as outdated in looks.

The need to restyle it soon. Maybe now his son is in charge he will change it. The response of the drivers need to be a lot faster.