Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

We sell many parts like cables, sources, conditioners and modifications to many peole with expensive sets. Money does not garantee you anything.

You have no idea what we created and what we do. Most things we will never post or share. I can garantee you that it will change the world in audio in 2017.

We are far ahead in knowledge and insight than all other people are. We have now a specialist in Marketing and we will share the knowledge and ideas with manufacturers.

It outperforms anything in highend audio at this moment. It is that more precise and natural sounding. When I say: we create and sell a sound. It is a new approach.

This is a new level in creating audio systems. What is superior in effectivity. This is based on the fact that trial and error is ineffective to create an audio system.

We work and think based on the human emotion. This creates a much higher level in realism and quality.

This will give people a new level in listening to their beloved music.
People focus on brands all the time in audio. They think when we buy products with great reviews  we will have an awesome system.

Audio does not work like that. You can use it this way but at the end trial and error always will be very ineffective.

You can create a superior level in sound when you would focus on just properties of each single part of your sustem.

That is why I say: we don’t care about a name, but we are just interested in properties a brand or product can give us.

Based on the properties togheter of a product we decide if it fits into our Tru-Fi. The focus is always on Tru-Fi.

Tru-Fi makes it possible to use all the qualities/properties a loudspeaker owns. Because we want to know the DNA of each single loudspeaker.

Then we know which quality/properties it owns. It is our goal to reveal all the properties and quality the speaker can give.

But when you will use this speaker and create your system by trial and error. I can garantee you that it is impossible to use all the properties it owns.

And you know why?

Because you are not able to know what the properties of each part of your system are. Most of the choices you made these are products which do not own all the parts of Tru-Fi.

At the end you are not able to use all the properties/qualities of the speaker you own.
bo1972      12-25-2016 7:54am:

"Dear Dave,

...This is only a personal opinion, nothing more nothing less. Why for God sake you use the word hate?"


I never used the word "hate" in my two posts (or any other post I ever made) nor said anything negative about Wilson, your opinion, or anything else. I am however sensitive to referring to God in such a callous way as you did above, especially on Christmas Day.

I agreed with one of your statements early in this thread (regarding holographic imaging) and disagreed with one later (regarding your statement that 99% of audio components are incapable of 3D imaging). That's it.

Do you even read and think about what others say or just jump right into repeating the same diatribe ad nauseam as if your opinion or experience is the only one worthy of consideration?

Anyway, Merry Christmas to you bo1972,
I went down and took a close look at all my equipment. All components were 3 dimensional, having a H, W and D. :-)

When my friends come to hear my system, comments I most often get refer to the holography of the soundstage. That soundstage, and dynamics are two aspects that I strive to maximize. For this I believe the room, and equipment placement within, to be critical. Not that I could argue that there is no difference between components in this regard. Differences that can't be measured exist. Due to the nature of the characteristic under measurement  and the resolution of the measuring device.
Obviously, other aspects are also important. I enjoy a tight and articulate bass (quality over quantity), a smooth cohesive midrange, and a relaxed upper end (not over stated). To this end I focus on products that provide these things. To get the most of this within my budget I sacrifice the bottom end, believing I can't afford the bottom octave.      
Dear Mesch,

audio is all about collecting the right stuff togheter. It costs  time and devotion to create it. 

It is very easy to F. up a 3 dimensional system into a 2 dimensional system.

have a nice Christmas