ROI. Where is money better spent?

Sorry if the category is not quite accurate, but i would like the opinion of the knowledgable crew here. I am shopping for a preamp and interconnects, source to pre, and pre to amp, balanced. I am not looking for any brand recommendation, but want to know that if i had some xtra money to spend, should it go into better cables or better preamp? Thanks and happy holidays!
My experience lately is getting good preamp then later good cables these compliment each other. I never new how good is my art audio preamp till I bought a very good interconnect  and speaker cables..,,
Better speakers, then Better room treatment.... then better pre. :) ;]
I was concerned that less expensive cables would vail or block some of a good preamps sonic performance.
Regarding the correlation between cable price and cable performance, you may find this thread to be of interest.

Good luck.  Regards,
-- Al