Inexpensive speaker cables

Hi everyone, I have a pair of nordost cables which are too short for my new setup. Looking for inexpensive cables to replace these (under $350), what are the best recommendation, I only know about nordost and audio quest


Check out Mogami W3103.  I use the cable in both my systems.  The best have heard for the price. 

-Mark Tunis (he sells here. Silver played copper).
-Lunduhl (pennies)

Wondering if any Mogami 3103/3104 speaker cable users have a preferred orientation (amp to speakers).

You can’t go wrong with the audioquest type 4’s. They are inexpensive and tend to not add or omit anything to the signal. Stereophile recommended component for years...I would contact audio advisor, as they can custom make you a pair with your choice of connectors. They do a very nice job and use quality materials and solder. You can save a lot of money by buying them this way, rather than off the shelf pre-terminated. Type 4 is getting tough to find pre-terminated, as it has been phases out and replaced with newer AQ designs.
Also, I have heard good things about the Canare 4S11 Star Quad Speaker Cables, available custom made from cable solutions. 
Read this first before spending anything more than the cost of unbranded copper cable of the appropriate gauge.

It seems once you have the correct gauge, all that matters is good connections at each end. If money is burning a hole in your pocket, spend it there and not on the cable in between.