Aragon, Parasound or Bryston

Trying to decide between a Aragon 8008ST, Parasound Halo A21 and a Bryston 4B.
My system consists of a VTL 2.5 preamp, Nad C542 Cd player, Paradigm Studio Ref 100 V3 speakers, Paradigm Servo 15 sub.
The three contenders come in at roughly the same price with the Aragon being just a tad cheaper.
Looking for opinions as I can't audition. I believe it would be easy if this were a 4B SST but that would be out of the price range so its the earlier 4B.
I would get the A21. I've heard it with your preamp and its a very good match. The 4B would be my 2nd choice.
Parasound is the most accurate,musical with great body and weight.Your move!! 


     All 3 are very nice class A/B amps but I know from personal experience that a good class D stereo or monoblocks will give you better performance at a reduced cost, size, weight, heat and they'll consume significantly less electricity to operate which also translates to lower electric bills.

     I know  your VTL 2.5 preamp is very good.   I previously used the same one with NOS Mullards paired with a ss Aragon amp.  When I replaced the Aragon with a class D amp, it significantly improved my system performance.  I mainly noticed improved bass and dynamics with the mids and treble remaining smooth but detailed.This is an excellent pre-amp to pair with class D amps and there's really no down side.


should also note the Brystons have a 20 year fully trasferable warranty and a very good rep for repair services. get a 10 year old sst/sst2 and still have 10 years left of warranty. as I have not heard any of them I can't judge by sound but quality has always been a main stay of Bryston