Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

It’s funny that one listener found Wilson speakers to produce an image too high. One thing I have always found lacking in the smaller Wilsons (the WATT/Puppy in particular) in their "knee to waist" image height. I don’t care for the view from the balcony---looking down on the performers, preferring to look up at the performers on stage as if from a floor seat. I like vocalist’s mouths to appear about 5’ from the floor, as they do in life. Low image height is a major obstacle for me in the goal of achieving the suspension-of-disbelief. I find line-source speakers and planars in general provide that better than do cones in boxes, generally speaking.
bo1972 - First of all I would like to thank you for posting such great, informative messages here. There are times when I have to read your posts at least thrice to fully comprehend the dimensions. At first I used to read them only twice, but then one day it dawned on me that I was really only getting 2 dimensional benefits. Now, I make an effort to read them three times, and I’m finally (I hope) getting all the dimensions. Thank you.
Omg... every time bo posts, it ruins the entire thread. 

It's like self-proclamation at its finest.  

Just make your own thread.  I'm so tired of seeing your posts.  It's the same trufi crap every time.  It's so tiresome.  

Thanks for ruining another thread and making it about you. 

"I bet wilson audio will sell every one of those Wamms"

Um... isn't that the point?  Or was this industry non-profit?
I must say that if you have heard the Watt Puppy series in a way that shortened the height of images, you did not hear them properly set up.  I  too am very sensitive to speakers that foreshorten image height. (I know that for some listeners image height is a nonissue).
Indeed, that very problem prevented me from trading up last year to a $50,000 pair of speakers from a competing well known manufacturer which exceeded the performance of Sashas in other important respects. I stood up and the sound was almost completely below me. I agree that this can destroy the suspension of disbelief.  Certainly line source speakers are the best at image height and, of course, nothing beats the placement of drivers in a tall speaker. But for a speaker under 4 feet tall, the Watt Puppys and Sashas project image height as well or better than most.
 Of course, my definition of proper image height may be different than yours if you believe the singers voice should be 5' from the floor in you listening room.