Vandersteeen 2wq (or any sub) in small room

Hi everyone,

I have an 11x16x8 room for music, with Vandersteen 2ce's and Aragon 8008BB amp. Tried all manner of placement, but still feel the bass is a bit thin (I realize that Vandersteens produce musical and accurate bass, but this is my perception). I have been reading about the merits of the 2wq sub in improving the Vandersteen sound, but these advocates usually have much larger rooms. Is using a sub in a small room a fool's errand? Would teh 2wq be a particularly finicky addition? Should I return to my efforts at room treatment with bass traps? Thank you. 

Before you do anything make sure you go through the Modle 2's manual and set the speakers up exactly the way they tell you to. 

Also, go to the link below. Vandersteen just got permission to make all issues of the Audio Perfectionist Journal available to anyone that wants them at no charge. APJ has the most complete instructions on how to set up Vandersteen speakers and subs. They leave absolutely no stone unturned. They also show you how to make your own room tuning devices for a small fraction of what you would have to pay retail.
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" Vandy subs, due to their use of first order filters, are more finicky to place than subs that use higher order filters. It's almost an imperative that you use two and you place them adjacent to the main speakers. If you don't the probability of localizing the sub increases, because the sub is still producing significant sound above the low pass filter setting."

How big was the room you had your Vandersteen subs, and were you using Vandersteen speaker as well?

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I have a 2wq with a pair of B&W 684’s which are in themselves light on the bass response. With it in the corner and close to the speakers, it made an incredible difference to the system. Try yours with one first, before you buy two. Bass is non directional so I do not hear the low end coming from the sub. The Vandy gets way down, shakingly so if that’s what’s on the music source. Couldn’t be happier. Look for one used. They're around.