@Glory- Perhaps I misunderstood your post, regarding the Apex and it’s MPC being, "BS". I’m rerunning this, since I was too late to edit the first post, correcting the Platinum’s maker(tried a couple Audioquest cables too, pre-Silver Audio): When Wireworld brought out it’s Platinum Eclipse interconnects, I thought I’d upgrade from my(10 year old) Silver Audio Hyacinths and ordered a pair from The Cable Company. To my dismay: while the Platinums(preamp to monoblock main amps/RCA) obviously did pass more inner detail than the Hyacinths, and retained my image focus, the sound stage collapsed to the outer edges of my Magnepans. Cable Co gave me full credit toward a pair of Tesla Apex, which equaled the Platinums in inner musical detail and restored my system’s sound stage(we’re talking a few feet to either side of the speakers). They were the first SR products I tried and have purchased a couple of the their power cords and a pair of Tesla Tricon Analogs since. Unless I win the lottery, these, along with my Kimber KS 1130s and KS 1030s are all permanent system residents. Whatever your particular problem(system compatability/ears/etc) with the Apexes, it’s not because they aren’t an excellent musical signal conduit and most assuredly NOT, "BS"!. Just relating my personal experience(end).