Vandersteeen 2wq (or any sub) in small room

Hi everyone,

I have an 11x16x8 room for music, with Vandersteen 2ce's and Aragon 8008BB amp. Tried all manner of placement, but still feel the bass is a bit thin (I realize that Vandersteens produce musical and accurate bass, but this is my perception). I have been reading about the merits of the 2wq sub in improving the Vandersteen sound, but these advocates usually have much larger rooms. Is using a sub in a small room a fool's errand? Would teh 2wq be a particularly finicky addition? Should I return to my efforts at room treatment with bass traps? Thank you. 

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Not the same signal at all.
Huh? The preamp signal is intercepted by the high pass filter (M5-HP) before arriving at the amp. Speakers and sub are connected to amplifier output together. The high pass filter allows the main speakers to reproduce the signal minus the 6db reduction of low frequencies (dependent upon the setting).
The beauty of the setup is that the original signal is being sent to both speaker and sub. The sub uses the exact same signal as the speaker, though attenuated, and compensates for this by design in order to properly reproduce the signal.
" He did not recommend using a single sub. He did not admit it was due to his use of first order filters, but I now know that's the reason. If you can work around the placement limitation, his subs are fine."

That's not really fair to Vandersteen. When I read your first post, you were going on in such specific detail about the subs, I thought you owned them. In your next post, you explain how RV talked you out of buying them, and listed the reasons. At that point, your story seemed a little odd, but I gave you benefit of the doubt and didn't press the issue. Now, in the above quote, we find out that RV was not the one who told you the 1st order xovers makes things difficult for placement. You got the information elsewhere. If that's not bad enough, you really deliver a low blow when you say RV was deceptive in not admitting he knew this to be a problem. And all this from a phone conversation that took place 15 years ago. And lets not forget that you've never owned or set up a pair of Vandersteen subs. Those of us who have can tell you your comments don't match up with reality.

" The sub is low passed and the mains are high passed. Not the same signal at all."

That's also wrong. If you don't believe us, check the owners manual.
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