Apogee Scintilla Value?

I have been offered these just by chance in a casual conversation about other gear. The gentleman has said these are rebuilt and are for sale for $4800. I'm not sure what version they are and if one of these (3?) versions is more desirable and or valuable then the others. I do need more info on these from the seller but right now I'm just kicking the tires.
Then there are many issues with this like shipping 2000 miles which will cost at least $500 and those fragile ribbons. And then there are my amp issues. I have a Mac MC-7200, Kell KAV-500 and a Sunfire Cinema Grand which is "load invariant". I suspect that none of these will suffice although I need to research that Sunfire. I have issues!!!!
The Bluebook is crazy with one sold 7 years ago for $5200 and then one sold for $2000 and then $11,000 for the most recent pair. Are these really worth $11K? I have Martin Logan Prodigies now and I wonder if it will be that much of an upgrade.
What do you think?
+1 on what cleeds said. Value seems to be all over the map because age/condition and desire to buy old gear is all over the map. Tread lightly.

The Bluebook is crazy, and pretty much worthless.
For a better idea of actual value you can check out HiFi Shark, which shows what items are selling for today, and what they have sold for in the past.

If you're happy with your Prodigies, I would stay with them.  I am not a fan or hater of Apogees, but they are tough to set up, extremely hard to drive, and you don't know how good the rebuild was or where to get them repaired if something goes wrong.  Seems like too many variables here.
Stay with the MLs.  The Apogees may be a better loudspeaker, but too many variables regarding age, condition, parts, service, amp compatibility and cables.  They aren't a good drop-in replacement for other loudspeakers.
What got me into this, um, hobby many moons ago was sitting in front of a pair of Apogee Divas that made an instant addict out of me.  I'd heard many "stereos" before -- some quite good -- but nothing like this, and bought a pair of Duettas before I left the store (my wallet wasn't big enough for the Divas unfortunately).  So I have very fond memories of Apogee speakers in general, but the Scintillas in particular were known as amp killers due to an impedance load that dropped below 2 ohms at some frequencies.  Not sure if that was improved upon with the different versions over time, but you need more than just a robust amp to drive any Scintilla.  Think arc welder. :)
you could buy 2 pair of 1.7i Magneplanars for that price or maybe a pair of used 3.6's or be close to a new 3.7i

I have the 1.5QRs and a Sunfire Cinema Grand which drives them easily

Maggies are an easy 4 ohm load all the way across the freq. spectrum, unlike electrostatics which are more difficult to drive, but I expect a Sunfire Cinema Grand can do it.