Will a new sub sound better than my Velodyne F1200?

For music only...

I have a Velodyne F1200 (early 1990s model) and I have a Velodyne SMS-1 parametric EQ driving it. The F1200 is a sealed 12 inch servo sub. I think it's limited to 125W or so. 

Does anyone know how a new non-servo sealed sub like the HSU ULS-15 MK2 would compare at normal volumes (85db peaks)? 

I feel like my system is lacking punch and speed with the kick drum... it's a little slow a fat sounding, even though I've got my phase and equalization dialed in. One thought I have is that the SMS-1 adds a delay, and I'm assuming a servo sub might add even more delay, so even though phase is ok in the crossover region, the sub could be behind quite a bit in time. In fact, the sub is farther away than the mains by a couple feet, which may compound the problem.

I'm assuming the punch from a kick drum should be mostly sub, or is that up above 80hz?

" I'm assuming the punch from a kick drum should be mostly sub, or is that up above 80hz?"

"Punch" is usually higher up, but your system is probably using both the sub and mains to reproduce the entire bass drum. You should list your entire system and some info on your room. You may be able to fix this issue without having to buy new components.
What you are describing is poor room integration. Look up Room EQ Wizard, you'll find lots of information and people who want to help you.  I strongly suspect you do not need a new sub, but a better integrated one. This may involve EQ as well as bass traps. I recommend miniDSP for the first part, GIK acoustics for the second.

In terms of comparing subs, you can find a lot of information here:


I'm not sure if you'll find another sub "better" so much as modern subs like JL Audo's built in DSP is pretty damn good. I mean, of course they have massive motors and amps, but you seem to need better settings, not to spend lots more money. :)

If that EQ isn't adequate, I use miniDSP with OmniMic with a Hsu VTF-15 Mk II and it's awesome. Still, it's not the sub but the settings I think. Pursue that first. If you seem to lack output then consider a new sub.


Fundamental for a rock kick is around 50 To 80Hz but the punch or slap will be much higher like 4KHz.

Sounds like your room is boomy or your sub has failed - besides at 85db peak you won’t get much kick from your sub anyway unless you have way too much ULF dialled in.

To get proper sound you need proper or realistic SPL because of the way our ears work. At low volumes you can get more bass with loudness or bass lift/boost but it will never sound right - to get the right balance of sound you need to crank it!

To get the barely audible room compression kick drum feel you need a 15 inch woofer (in case that is what you are looking for) - this is more felt than heard.