Question regarding the EAR 834P...

Hello all.

 Ok here is the deal. I have two very nice Thorens TT's 1 is a 125 Long Base with a Denon 103r and the other is a TD-145 with an Ortofon 2M Black Cart. My dilemma is this: I have 2 turntables that serve 2 very different functions in my listening sessions. I have an EAR 834P preamp which is MY holy grail and serves my 125 with the Denon Moving Coil fulltime the other table uses a Musical Fidelity pre amp which is very good but nowhere the sound that I get from the 834P, I have had the 145/2M Black hooked up to the EAR while my 125 was being restored and it was very nice! Well finances (and my bride)does not allow for a second EAR thus my question is how ridiculous would it be to use a very high quality splitter in the back of the 834p to allow me to keep both Tables connected to the 834p even though there is only 1 input allowed? The EAR has switching for both MC and MM carts. Keeping in mind I will NOT even power on the Table that will not be in use. Thoughts? Enter your text ...

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just switch cables going into the EAR when you want to switch turntables.  I do this with some regularity when I want to record a needledrop on my alesis.   
Come to think of it, I do this too.  I have two turntables set up in proximity to my Atma MP1, and I routinely switch the input cables to the phono section.  The drawback is that you cannot casually switch back and forth.  The DSA Phono2 is a great if very expensive solid state phono stage that contains three entirely discrete phono stages in one, such that one can have 3 different turntables with 3 different cartridges set at 3 different levels of gain with 3 different R and C loads, all accessible at the touch of a switch.  It's a beautiful and elegant device that IMO is actually under-priced for what it does and how good it sounds. But I am addicted to tubes.