Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?

Entreq and other products boast conditioning the ground to help improve the sound. Being completely clueless about anything electrical, I am very curious what the theory is behind this product and technically how it can improve the quality of the power and thus the music. I am not looking to argue if these products do as they advertise. I just want to learn more about the idea.
[For clarification Cruze FIRST Audio who sold me the Troy said RCA terminations are available if needed for hookup.]

Yes indeed. I asked Miguel directly and he stated it was misinformation. The fact that it came from the Entreq distributor was not helpful. I am sure he is charming and not heavy handed, but nonetheless....

Charles you are very right. Both devices work but serve different niches in audio, and I am glad for both companies that awareness is being raised. There has been further misinformation spread on this site regarding the reason behind their sonic effects, and I think they need to be experienced. Opinions add up to nothing when it comes to music!
Sorry Agear, this is really not fair. Don't cast aspersions. If you and Miguel want to refute the Entreq claims, do so. I've asked you to do so, twice now with this request. And you still don't. Until you put a counter theory fwd, I'll stick with the Entreq claim. And now I'm signing off from this thread.
In France there are two ways to plug a component.
If no ground pin on the plug you have two possibilities .
To know what is the best way you use a cheap device which mesure electric field to protect you when you make a hole in a wall to go through an electrical line.On a very résolvent system you hear immediately the difference.On one way of connection the component radiate less electromagnetic field and the sound is better.When there is a ground pin you have special female plug (German norm) with no ground pins. The ground contact is around the internal part of the plug.
So you must have female and male compatible plug.
I use a RGC 24 from acoustic revive which works as entreq .