Quack System Upgrades

Ok, so what's the most ridiculous "SNAKE OIL" upgrade you have come across?

Let the fun begin HAHAHA :) :)


Geoffkait:"Huh? If everyone at the demo was transfixed wouldn’t that indicate placing colored paper under amps and around the demo room was uh, effective? Oh, you’re probably one of those group hypnosis or placebo effect advocates. Never mind."

to which ivanj replied,

"I am educated about some things but am not a mind reader. I have no idea why these people were attending. Perhaps it was the campaign in some of the mags previous about this magic stuff. There are many reason why people could be "transfixed" - that’s the skill of a grifter or a carnie, for one. I happened to go into the room because it was silent, a great relief from the racket elsewhere, and discovered I had "gone through the Looking Glass.""

At at least they were patient.

Then ivanj wrote,

"There are plenty in high end where a little knowledge and a big wallet can lead to turn-in-itis. Twas ever thus with expensive man-hobbies. How many shoes did Imelda Marcos have?"

I take it Imelda Marcos was a man.

then ivanj wrote,

"Or my friend, as Sheryl Crow sings, they were there "...to see what all the fuss was about."

Suggest you read some books by Nathaneal West."

I found out what all the fuss was about. That would make me a bigger skeptic than you, no? A real skeptic investigates whenever there’s a big fuss.

have a nice new year

Screw all the other "tweaks", be they snake oil or not. 
A good whisky is the best tweak ever.
Powers John's Lane for me.
But.... you absolutely must apply it correctly.
Proper ratio:
2 Fingers x 2 Glasses
Otherwise you'll cock it all up!!
@astro58go, yes, I do not believe in cable burn-in based on listening.

I don't have any funny stuff today. I do have some observations and questions.
I used to think that cable break-in was a fairy tale. Now I'm not so sure. I got a new phono cable a few months ago. Not expensive; but made with very different specs than many. Smaller gauge, silver-coated POCC, low capacitance, etc. I did a lot of A-B comparisons when I got it and came to the conclusion that it made little difference with my MM cartridge; but a nice improvement in spacing. definition and bass control on the MC.
A few months later, I put the MM back in the system for a while and heard more bass from it than ever before....I'm 85% sure.

I bought a pair of WireWorld Luna 7 interconnects, their cheapest. They replaced the old Audioquest AlphaSnake on my Oppo BDP-95. They seemed to widen the soundstage and clarify the treble a noticeable amount. I let them break-in for about 30 hours and did another A-B. Now I can clearly detect that they have raised the soundstage to eye-level, whereas the snakes had it almost knee-level. I think I'll try a pair of their Oasis for my phonostage-to-pre connection.

My Question: Has anyone tried any of the Jack Bybee products? Are they snake oil? 

As soon as I have some funny stuff, I'll post. How about this one:

How many NJ politicians does it take to change a lightbulb?




None. They have to call a guard.

@mikethehunterguy: " A good whisky is the best tweak ever."

I disagree. Now that I remember, the best tweak I ever heard was joint of some mystery pot that a biker tipped me in the late '60s. When I smoked it in my room and put Led Zep II on my cheap Magnavox all-in-one it was like a this divine music was filling the whole world! I turned the volume to max, took the removable speakers off the unit, put them about 2 feet apart and placed my head between them. Never heard anything as good before or since. Never met that biker again either, drat!

That is probably how I got hooked on this hobby. They say it's a gateway drug.