Securing Monitors to a stand

I just got done with my latest DIY project, building Speaker monitors.

They are bigger and heavier than most standard size monitors and though the stands that are used are solid and the speakers sit on them firmly, a good bump may topple them.

I am presently using Herbies Big Fat Dots under the speakers, but they don’t really anchor the speakers to the stand. Blue Tack can be used but, wouldn’t hold much. I thought of using mirror clips with padding but that would involve drilling holes in the bottom of the speakers.

Anyone have a better idea?




Thanks for all the great suggestions.

How about using some self sticking feet that are stuck to the bottom of the speaker so that they fit on each side of the top stand plate on the outer edges? What would work is something that sticks pretty well but can be removed if needed later on.

Happy New Year to all!


I use some rubber foam mat that I got at Home Depot in a role to cushion the monitors and protect the bottom surface.  Think I found this in the carpet area.  

Then I use a black nylon strap about an inch wide with a sliding compresion buckle to strap them to the top of the stand.   Think I found this in the bungy cord area.  

The Velcro alternative sounds good also - though, it would stick to the finish of the speaker and be difficult to remove - if that matters.  The holding / bonding strength wouldn't be that crtical since gravity would be holding the monitor down.  Applying a 16 lb force from the side would be unlikely... if... your careful around them.
Also - I use a concrete patio block (16" square) as the base under the stands and spikes rest on the block - very stable and difficult to knock over - compared to sitting on carpet.


Thanks, I will look into your suggestions.

The Audio room is in the basement with a carpet (no padding) over concrete. The stands have some serious pointy spikes.