power conditioner/power cable

Im fairly new to the hifi world but im confused about something.My local hifi dealer advised me not to use a power conditioner/surge protector unit(monster,panamax,etc)to plug my gear into,instead to just use a power strip. is this correct??One other question i have-if one does use on of the previous mentioned devices is it beneficial to upgrade the stock power cables??Any help would be appreciated,thank you.
Marketing jibberish...
These products are excellent for other gear in one's system. Plug the power amp into wall for best effect.

Buddy, I find it more than ironic that someone without an amp is instructing others on how to plug theirs in. Sorry, but damn..


I plug my Agostino stereo amp into a top of the line Audience conditioner with zero ill effects but great sound and protection. I've seen many posts of other folks doing the same thing.